Session title: SoftLayer Infrastructure Services to Accelerate Your Cloud Projects

According to a recently completed CompTIA study, the top three catalysts for business transformation are cloud computing, demand for new services and IT delivery, and recurring revenue model. IBM Business Partners needing enterprise-grade, built-for-business, cloud infrastructure services that support their transformation and speed to market new solutions and services for clients, are urged to attend this session to hear the latest on IBM cloud services that should be included in their portfolio, including SoftLayer, managed services, and security and resiliency services. The session covers the latest news for Business Partners and highlights specific examples of client project successes through an interactive panel discussion. (That’s where Mark Wyllie, Flagship CEO, comes in!)

We are looking forward to yet another great session supporting SoftLayer and their innovative cloud solutions.

More info:
February 22, 2015
South Pacific H (Mandalay Bay)