Many researchers today say that we are approaching a shift in the way that companies manage their IT. Concerns across security, performance, availability, compliance, innovation, agility, flexibility, and cost control remain high priorities but the approach to addressing these concerns is beginning to evolve as IT leaders pass the baton from one generation to the next.

Managed service providers (MSPs) are being utilized more and more to address everything from basic help desk support, to core computing infrastructures, to complex big data analytics and forecasting. Outsourcing these tasks allows internal IT staff members to focus more of their time on customer-centric or competitive advantage strategies, in an effort to grow the business rather than simply maintaining it.

What’s Changing?

According to Information Week, a new survey from the Society for Information Management (SIM) reports the type of CIO is changing. The report estimates one-third to one-half of current CIOs will retire in the next five to 10 years, and the IT leaders who replace them will be from a generation that grew up with technology.

As we learn more about this change amongst CIOs, we see a new group of technologies and services that are newly considered to be essential investments for businesses today. Moving forward, CIOs appear to be more focused than ever on improving IT to help the overall business strategy.

Current IT management concerns include protecting the business but also protecting the effectiveness of IT within the business. “Are we doing everything we can to make the most of the data and technologies we have? Are there other data sources, technologies or services that we could be utilizing to be more efficient and gain a competitive edge?”

In addition to providing the platform that takes the business to the next level, CIO’s want to protect their department’s credibility and speed of delivery as well as their ability to protect the business and respond to potential threats.

Making it Happen

To keep up with this evolution and meet all of the current IT needs, many CIO’s are seeking external resources that offer talent in areas such as analytics, business intelligence, big data and data science services. According to the SIM survey, these skill sets are often challenging to find. That’s where MSPs are playing a key role, by providing the knowledge and consultation to fill the gaps for what businesses need.

Another way MSP’s are helping is by way of support for legacy hardware, applications, maintenance, help desk and traditional computing workloads, to free up internal IT resources for more strategic projects.

We predict that the new wave of CIOs are more tech-savvy than ever, and as a result, they will rely on to MSPs present solutions that can solve their problems while offering agility, flexibility, cost reduction and cost control. The right MSP provides cutting-edge intelligent solutions that can be flexible and scalable for specific projects as needed. This includes the deployment of reports, dashboards and scorecard capabilities that incorporate past, present and predictive views.

Predictive analytics through an MSP will provide statistics, modeling and data collection solutions. Meanwhile, prescriptive analytics are a foundation for sound decision-making by incorporating predictive analytics to help CIOs make actionable and informed decisions.

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CIOs are in need of certain skills that will help move their businesses forward. MSPs, such as Flagship, offer the best in analytics, security, infrastructure, cloud and business intelligence offerings that will best fit the needs of future IT leaders.

Schedule a consultation to learn more about the benefits of managed services and how it can help to fill in the gaps for your business.


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