By: Angela Zuniga

Have you driven a new Cadillac lately? If not, picture this… As you are driving down the road, clearly displayed on your windshield is not only the speed you are going, but the posted speed limit for the part of the road that you are currently driving on.

I don’t know about you, but I find it especially frustrating on long road trips when I am on an unfamiliar road and can’t find a speed limit sign. I always feel like I’m in one of those infamous small town speed traps. Worry no more! This information is now available in a convenient location so that you can clearly see if you are going too fast or too slow.

Not only that, this space-age display also shows you the location of the other cars on the road with you. If you have a car approaching on the passenger’s side, you will see a little car icon in that location on the display. If you are coming up on another car around a blind corner, you will see that too. If traffic is slowing down at an abrupt pace and your car is not, you will be alerted to the potential accident.

Much like Cadillac’s innovative informative display, Flagship Solutions Group designed something very similar for businesses wanting to see “the big picture” and potential pitfalls. We call it Infralytics™ because it offers analytics for your infrastructure.

Infrastructure + Analytics = Infralytics

As with the Cadillac, Infralytics includes a convenient dashboard that displays real-time information about what’s going on around you. You will be able to gain valuable insight such as, under or over-utilization of a server, cloud infrastructure performance metrics or potential networking bottlenecks. Infralytics can alert you to problems before they impact your business.

Best of all, our dashboards are completely customizable to what you want to monitor, whether it’s your servers, storage, networking, software, cloud, or a combination of any or all of the above. Our services team will work with you to build a solution that summarizes the information you need. Never again, will you have to worry about what is in your “blind spot”. Infralytics helps you to make informed decisions about your next move, such as your next technology purchase, your next money saving opportunity, your future cloud strategy or how you prepare for your next executive meeting. Information is power. Let Infralytics empower you and put you in the drivers seat.

Read our informative white paper to learn more about Infralytics from Flagship Solutions Group.

Join the discussion on Twitter: #infralytics @FlagshipSG1

Contact Flagship at or call (561) 208-FYI1 (3941).

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By: Angela Zuniga

Have you driven a new Cadillac lately? If not, picture this… As you are driving down the road, clearly displayed on your windshield is not only the speed you are going, but the posted speed limit for the part of the road that you are currently driving on.

I don’t know about you, but I find it especially frustrating on long road trips when I am on an unfamiliar road and can’t find a speed limit sign. I always feel like I’m in one of those infamous small town speed traps. Worry no more! This information is now available in a convenient location so that you can clearly see if you are going too fast or too slow.

Not only that, this space-age display also shows you the location of the other cars on the road with you. If you have a car approaching on the passenger’s side, you will see a little car icon in that location on the display. If you are coming up on another car around a blind corner, you will see that too. If traffic is slowing down at an abrupt pace and your car is not, you will be alerted to the potential accident.

Much like Cadillac’s innovative informative display, Flagship Solutions Group designed something very similar for businesses wanting to see “the big picture” and potential pitfalls. We call it Infralytics™ because it offers analytics for your infrastructure.

Infrastructure + Analytics = Infralytics

As with the Cadillac, Infralytics includes a convenient dashboard that displays real-time information about what’s going on around you. You will be able to gain valuable insight such as, under or over-utilization of a server, cloud infrastructure performance metrics or potential networking bottlenecks. Infralytics can alert you to problems before they impact your business.

Sample Infralytics Dashboard

Best of all, our dashboards are completely customizable to what you want to monitor, whether it’s your servers, storage, networking, software, cloud, or a combination of any or all of the above. Our services team will work with you to build a solution that summarizes the information you need. Never again, will you have to worry about what is in your “blind spot”. Infralytics helps you to make informed decisions about your next move, such as your next technology purchase, your next money saving opportunity, your future cloud strategy or how you prepare for your next executive meeting. Information is power. Let Infralytics empower you and put you in the drivers seat.

Read our informative white paper to learn more about Infralytics from Flagship Solutions Group.

Join the discussion on Twitter: #infralytics @FlagshipSG1

Contact Flagship at or call (561) 208-FYI1 (3941).

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